GDPR Agreements for businesses
It is important that companies process personal data belonging to EU citizens have the necessary GDPR Agreements for businesses. The personal data controller is responsible for having all the necessary agreements and documents that the GDPR requires.
Important GDPR Agreements for businesses
There are various GDPR agreements and documents for companies and businesses, which are necessary to prove that the company complies with the GDPR. And to meet the conditions of the regulation. Below is a summary of a few important GDPR Agreements for businesses.
A Data Processing Agreement is a very central GDPR agreement of great importance. All companies that give someone else the task of processing personal data on behalf of the company must enter into a Data Processing Agreement with the personal data Processor. This is stated in Article 28 of the GDPR. The Processor processes the personal data on behalf of the Controller.
The agreement contains instructions on how personal data may be processed and other important provisions that the Processor must follow. For example, the Processor is obliged by law to notify the Controller of personal data breaches.
A Privacy Policy is an important GDPR agreement that companies must have by law. The Privacy Policy must state how the company processes personal data. Fon instance, it must state the purpose of the processing, what personal data is processed. Also, information about how long the data is stored, who the data is shared with, and so on.
This policy should be written in simple language so that the reader understands the content. The Privacy Policy can be published publicly on the company’s website, so that the public can read about the processing.
A record of processing activities contains various tables of categories. For example, of registered persons, categories of personal data, storage locations, suppliers, systems, etc.
The register list is important, because it provides an overview of how the company processes personal data. Also, information about where the personal data is stored.
The record of processing activities shall also contain information about which personal data processors handle the data on behalf of the company. And other important information.
Through the record of processing activities, the most central information can be in one place, which facilitates data erasure etc.
Companies should implement various internal routines that deal with how personal data should be processed. All employees must follow the routines.
The procedures must be in writing, as the company in such case can prove that the company is compliant with the GDPR.
By following the internal routines, mistakes and incorrect processing of personal data can be reduced.
For example, the company can establish an internal routine for deleting personal data. And also for erasure of personal data. The internal routines a company needs are very individual and differ between different companies.
Summary of the GDPR for Companies, Entrepreneurs and Businesses
There is a lot of information about the GDPR that is important for companies, entrepreneurs and businesses to know about. We have therefore written a GDPR Summary and mention various key elements. Therefore, we are able to provide an overview of the GDPR, what it means and what companies must do to comply with the EU regulation.