GDPR Internal Routines for Personal Data Processing
Companies that process personal data belonging to EU citizens, must have GDPR specific internal routines for personal data processing. Companies need to have different internal routines for the processing of personal data, in order to prove that the company complies with the GDPR.
Why do companies need internal routines?

The purpose of the internal routines is to ensure that employees and staff know how the processing is to take place in order to be legal. In addition, the internal routines serve as supporting documents, which show that the company complies with the GDPR in its operations. The internal routines contain routines for various possible events and can facilitate the processing of personal data in certain specific situations.
Companies must have different internal routines according to the GDPR, to ensure that the processing takes place in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR. For example, companies may need internal procedures for how the rights of registered persons are met. There must also be an internal routine for thinning out personal data and for incidents involving personal data.
It is the Supervisory Authority that it will check that companies have internal routines. The authority can issue penalty fees for companies that violate the GDPR. In addition, they may also require companies to establish internal procedures.
Content of internal routines for GDPR

The internal routines must contain information on how the company and staff should act in different types of situations. For example, an internal routine for erasure out personal data may contain information on how a deletion should be carried out correctly. Performed erasures must then be logged in a specific logbook. In this way, the company can prove that erasure takes place according to the principle of storage minimization. And that the company complies with the GDPR.
The internal routines are written documentation that proves that the company follows the GDPR in its processing. Also, it helps the employees to know the routines and how they should act in different situations.
The internal routines may also contain information on how employees should act if a registered person requests that their personal data be deleted, corrected or how a discovered incident involving personal data is to be handled. Then such a process must be available in the internal routines and in this way the company ensures that such inquiries and events are handled correctly.
News about GDPR and reviews from supervisory authorities
In addition to this information, you can also read our GDPR summary. And also about various news about the GDPR on this website. For example, audits carried out by Supervisory Authorities and sanction fees that they distribute. By learning from mistakes from others, it is possible to avoid making similar mistakes yourself. In addition, you can find information that is important and good to know as an entrepreneur as well as guides.

Summary of the GDPR for Companies, Entrepreneurs and Businesses
There is a lot of information about the GDPR that is important for companies, entrepreneurs and businesses to know about. We have therefore written a GDPR Summary and mention various key elements. Therefore, we are able to provide an overview of the GDPR, what it means and what companies must do to comply with the EU regulation.